Flag-Era Graphene Networking Event & Graphene day

FLAG-ERA Graphene Networking Event – Barcelona, October 27, 14:30 – 18:00
FLAG-ERA is a FP7 ERA-NET that gathers most regional and national funding organisations (NRFOs) in Europe with the goal of supporting the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Flagship concept and more specifically, the FET Flagship initiatives Graphene and Human Brain Project (HBP).
FLAG-ERA will launch a joint transnational call (JTC) enabling researchers from different countries to propose joint contributions to the Flagships. In order to encourage and facilitate the participation in the JTC, FLAG-ERA organises networking events for stakeholders from basic and applied research and innovation.
The FLAG-ERA Graphene Networking Event intents to bring together stakeholders in the area of graphene, taking advantage of the presence of a considerable group of researchers, industry and the Graphene Flagship itself in the TNT conference. The Event will be organized in 3 different modules:
  • a presentation from FLAG-ERA about the JTC;
  • a session of flash presentations (4 min, 2 slides max) where stakeholders present their ideas for participating in JTC and identify the partner expertise they are looking for;
  • area for posters (for the people presenting the flash presentation), where stakeholders can discuss their ideas in a relaxed environment.
DEADLINES: submission of the flash presentations is October 20.