
Nanotec Electronica

Nanotec Electronica is one of the leading companies in the Nanotechnology Industry. In only ten years Nanotec Electronica has established itself as one of the strongest companies that design, manufacture and supply Scanning Probe Microscopes (SPM). Our highly qualified team uses cutting-edge technology in order to provide a cost-effective tool to gain access to the nanometer scale for both scientific and industrial communities. With its headquarters based in Spain and distributors located around the world, Nanotec ensures global presence and guarantees total customer satisfaction.

Nanotec´s Cervantes FullMode Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) in its several configurations allows not only imaging samples with atomic precision but also the study of magnetic, electronic and mechanical properties at the nanoscale, making it a powerful tool for physicists, chemists, biologists and engineers willing to characterize their samples at the nanometer scale. Its robust design provides strong mechanical stability to ensure high imaging resolution, and its semi-automated and open design allows scientists to exploit the capability of SPM to its maximum for both research and academic purposes. Nanotec Electronica also provides Dulcinea Control Systems, with an open and modular design that facilitates interfacing with any other standard AFM/SNOM/STM system available in the market. Highly versatile, it allows different modes of operation from Contact Mode to Frequency Modulation Mode and lithography ensuring a reliable and accurate performance of all SPM systems. Nanotec has also developed and freely distributes SPM software WSxM. Its user-friendly interface ensures easy operation of SPM microscopes and data processing. WSxM is available for its free download at www.nanotec.es.

If you have any questions, or want any information about Nanotec Electronica, please contact us at:

Nanotec Electronica
Centro Empresarial Euronova 3
Ronda de Poniente, 2
Edificio 2 - 1ª Planta - Oficina A
28760 Tres Cantos (Madrid) SPAIN
Fax: +34-918 043 348
Fischer Instruments S.A.

Measuring the world of atoms in an industrial style

Cost-effective coating analysis and micro hardness measuring instruments enables economic quality testing in industrial nanotechnology.

Under the term nanotechnology, specialists develop and realize coatings or objects with thicknesses or dimensions of only a few manometers. Due to their special, physical properties, the coatings or objects that are only a few atomic layers thin have particular advantages.

Until now the cost of the instruments used for characterization of the properties of this nano-coats has been uneconomically high. Such instruments are almost exclusively suitable for laboratory applications.

Now, quality testers in the field of nanotechnology can work much more cost-efficient using the FISCHERSCOPE® X-RAY XDV® for the analysis and thickness measurement of nano-coatings and the and the PICODENTOR® HM500 for nano-hardness measuring.

The cost of acquiring these instruments is less than half the typical cost of current comparable instruments. This is possible through the well thought-out design of these measuring instruments in combination with sophisticated evaluation electronics and software. Moreover, with the automated measurements processes that last only a few seconds, depending on the specifications, it is not only suitable for laboratory measurements but can be used advantageously for quality assurance in manufacturing. In combination with a personal computer, the instruments provide all typical statistical evaluations, print forms and documentations. In this manner, it provides a qualified quality test in the field of industrial nanotechnology.

Through the development of a cost-effective coatings analysis and micro-hardness measuring instruments suitable for use in industrial manufacturing, Helmut Fischer GmbH + Co. KG of Sindelfingen, Germany proves again its great competency and innovative power.

For further information please contact us at

Fischer Instruments, S.A.
Almogàvers, 157 3ª planta
08018 Barcelona SPAIN
Phone: 34 93 309 79 16
Fax: 34 93 485 05 94

: spain@helmutfischer.com
Web: www.helmut-fischer.com

Orsay Physics

Orsay Physics was founded in 1989 by researchers, engineers and specialists in charged particle optics from Paris-Orsay University and started to develop Focused Ion Beam (FIB) columns and systems.

After eight years of experience in developing innovative FIB concepts, Orsay Physics moved into new facilities dedicated to high quality FIB production in Provence.

Our growing success, which comes from our ability to customize our products for dedicated uses, has required a huge investment in new resources. In 2004, our production capacity and R&D activities were increased by the addition of a new building and new equipment,. At the same time, we have an ongoing programme of recruiting qualified staff and optimizing product quality and reliability in accordance with ISO 9001: version 2000.

Orsay Physics is now a world leader in the field of customized Focused Ion and Electron Beam columns and related equipment such as Gas Injection Systems. Our key strength is that we manage the whole process internally from the conception through to commercial manufacture passing via design, development and prototype production.

95 Avenue des Monts Auréliens
ZA Saint-Charles - F - 13710 Fuveau FRANCE
Phone : +33 442 538 090
Fax : +33 442 538 091

email: nano@orsayphysics.com
web: http://www.orsayphysics.com

For more than two decades Raith GmbH has been developing and selling high-tech systems in the domain of nanotechnology worldwide.
Main areas of operations are designing and manufacturing of systems enabling fabrication of superfine surface structures down to the range of less than 10 nanometers (electron and ion beam lithography) and semiconductor inspection tools for industry (defect review).
Renowned customers such as Infineon Technologies or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston avail themselves of the know-how Raith has acquired since its early being in business.
With its highly educated staff of physicists, engineers and technicians Raith offers optimum service and support for answers to technical and application related questions.
Worldwide Raith qualifies its personnel to provide fast and competent help to its customer requests.
Since 1985 Raith has pioneered the way for SEM lithography. Today complete turnkey lithography system solutions complement Raith product portfolio. These systems are used in state-of-the-art research in Physics, Electrical Engineering and other R&D related fields.

Raith GmbH
Hauert 18 - Technologiepark
44227 Dortmund GERMANY
Phone: +49 (0)231 / 975000-0
Fax: +49 (0)231 / 975000-5

E-mail: sales@raith.com
Web: www.raith.com
Wiley-VCH bundles its publishing activities in the various business areas of natural and engineering sciences as well as economics. The company provides publications with the best possible distribution on an international scale, coupled with a high standard of quality. From providing students with the basic literature needed, via primary research right up to the latest laboratory methods and research results into active substances: company focus on specific areas of expertise covers the entire spectrum of human knowledge.

WEB: www.wiley-vch.de

The Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX) ("Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior") is the Spanish Government agency serving Spanish companies to promote their exports and facilitate their international expansion, assisted by the network of Spanish Embassy’s Economic and Commercial Offices and, within Spain, by the Regional and Territorial Offices.
It is part of the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade ("Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio").

España, Technology for life: www.spainbussiness.com

The Phantoms Foundation (non-profit organisation) was established on November 26, 2002 (in Madrid, Spain) to provide high level Management profile to National and European scientific projects.
The Phantoms Foundation works in close collaboration with Spanish and European Governmental Institutions such as MEC (Spanish Ministry of Science) and ICEX (Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade), or the European Commission to provide focused reports on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology related research areas (infrastructure needs, emerging research, etc.) and develop activities to stimulate commercial nanotechnology applications (Spanish Pavilion at nanotech2008).

ScienTec Ibérica, is the spanish branch of ScienTec France, its mission is to serve and attend the Iberian market from the office in Madrid.
ScienTec, as a whole,  is specialized in the distribution of rigorously selected scientific equipments focused in the  field of Nano-micro surface analysis, providing you a complete solution for your  experimental or metrological needs
With more than 10 years experience in Nanotechnology, our sales ingeniers will help you define the right tool and configuration, our application group will teach and help you run the machines and our  after sales team will preventively maintain or repair your  sistems.
Your investment will be back up with a perfect combination of top level instruments with the know how and tool expertise in the distribution.
By Nanocharacterization at ScienTec we mean:
Scanning Probe Microscopies : AFM – STM  from Agilent Technologies
Optical Nanocaracterization: SNOM from  Nanonics
Mechanical Nanocaracterization:  NanoIndenter from Agilent  (formerly  MTS)
Digital Holographical  Microscopy:  from Lyncée Tec
Optical and mechanical profilometry : from  KLA Tencor
Digital Fluorescence Optical Microscopy: from  Till Photonics
Thin Film thickness: reflectrometers from Filmetrics
Accesories and SPM consumables.

Our main principal, Agilent Technologies, a leading player in the SPM market, provides innovative scanning probe microscopy (SPM) solutions for all academic research and industrial applications. Agilent Technologies Microscopes are the preferred choice to measure in liquids, temperature variation, electrochemical conditions,  enviromental control  or high resolution measurements.
The acquisition of the Nano Instruments business have strengthen Agilent’s portfolio of instrumentation for imaging, characterizing and quantifying nano-mechanical material properties.

The internal research collaboration among the differents business units at Agilent are bringing new exciting techniques to the SPM industry such as the exclusive Scanning Microwave Microscopy (SMM). Further developments are in the pipeline.
Please contact us at:

ScienTec Ibérica
C/ Buenavista 4 Bajo
28250 Torrelodones (Madrid)
Phone: 91-8429467
Fax: 902-875572

Please contact us at info@scientec.fr or visit our web page www.scientec.es for more information.

LOT-Oriel Group

LOT-Oriel is a high-tech distribution company, established successfully more than 30 years in research and development in university as well as industrial surroundings. Besides the headquarters in Darmstadt we serve the needs of our customers all around Europe either through our subsidiaries or cooperation partners. Our main activities cover fields like:

  • Optical spectroscopy, microscopy
  • Laser, laser optics
  • Material research
  • Surface science
  • Bio-/nanotechnolgy

One of our key areas is the rapidly expanding field of bio-/nanotechnolgy focusing on different products/technologies:

  • Life Science Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) for high-end applications under controlled environmental conditions
  • Metrology Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) for routine analysis and quality control
  • Bottom-up nanofabrication via Dip Pen Nanolitography
  • Nanoindentation, measurement of hardness, modulus and wear resistance of thin coatings
  • Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation Monitoring (QCM-D) for rapid characterisation of biointerfaces

Dr. Andreas Bergner
LOT-Oriel Group Europe
Im Tiefen See 58
D-64293 Darmstadt GERMANY
phone: +49/6151/8806-12

email: bergner@lot-oriel.de
web: www.lot-oriel.com

Omicron Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology has been our everyday business since long before the term ever existed.

Founded in 1984 by Norbert Nold, Omicron started business by introducing the SPECTALEED and the legendary Ultra High Vacuum STM 1 as their first and highly successful products. The STM 1, which still delivers state-of-the-art performance even by today's standards in nearly 200 laboratories worldwide, firmly established Omicron's present position as the world market leader in UHV scanning probe microscopy.

Today, our products like, for example, the new NanoESCA or the UHV Gemini Column are right at the forefront of research. We are used to redefining the limits of the technically feasible again and again. More than 500 articles demonstrate this to the full. Many of them were published in leading journals such as Nature, Science, Physical Review Letters or Chemical Review Letters.

Omicron NanoTechnology GmbH
Limburger Str. 75
65232 Taunusstein GERMANY
Tel: 06128/987-0
Fax: 06128/987-185

email: info@omicron.de
web: http://www.omicron.de

Photon Lines Óptica is a distribution company selling value added solutions into the Spain and Potugal optics markets.
The focus of the company is two fold: We supply a range of cameras (including CCD cameras, CMOS cameras, infrarred cameras, intensified cameras) into  low light level, high speed vision and imaging applications as well as high technology lasers, optical components and optical detectors (photomultipliers, photodiodes, streak tubes, image intensifiers, etc...) into the fields of industrial applications, life sciences, military, semiconductor and scientific research. Additionaly, we have a branch of modulators for optical telecomunications.
With sister offices in the UK, France and Spain, Photon Lines Óptica is able to call upon a pool of expertise in the field of photonics to the benefit of customers and suppliers alike.

Photon Lines
Marcos Romero Rocha
Delegado de Ventas
email: ma-romero-rocha@photonlines.com
web: http://www.photonlines.com
A.P. 10102 - 28080 Madrid SPAIN
tel: +00 34 691 21 30 17


Since 1992 Suministro de Materiales y Asistencia has been founded with the finality to dedicate it to the microelectronics.
The company is dedicated to the distribution of microelectronic equipment.
Representing the most important companies especialized in this sector, like SussMicrotec, SET and Annealsys and beeing one of the unics companies in Spain dedicated to sale this type of equipment.
Suppliers of process and testing solutions for markets as Advanced Packaging, MEMS, Nanotechnology, Compound Semiconductor, Silicon-On-Insulator and 3D Interconnect and systems for RTP, LPCVD and MOCVD.

Working with the most important private companies, universities and public institutions of Spain.

You can find more information in:
Suministro de Materiales y Asistencia SL
C/Caracas 6
28760 Tres Cantos, Madrid.
Tel: +34 91 803 31 86
Fax: +34 91 803 86 85

email: smasl@arrakis.es
Web: www.smamicroelectronica.com
